Monday, June 29, 2009

Top 10 of 2008

Alright this one won't be too hard seeing as 2008 did not end that long ago. Overall it was a solid year for new films with possibly the best summer season ever with great stuff like The Dark Knight, Wall-e and Iron man. The awards season was bittersweet with the best material getting overlooked while the decent offerings were ridiculously overrated (ya I'm looking at you Slumdog). Alright I'll just get to my list now.. Oh and I have not decided if I should list these from 1 down to 10 or from 10 to 1, any preferences??

10. Paranoid Park - One of 2 Van Sant films on this list
9. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - A tad overlong but still fine epic storytelling from Fincher
8. Doubt - Hands down best ensemble acting of the year especially from Viola Davis
7. Snow Angels - Probably Sam Rockwell's best performance.
6. Wall-E - Beautiful story and animation from the near flawless Pixar
5. Synecdoche, New York - Kaufman's ambitious debut was worth the confusion it caused
4. The Dark Knight - pretty much mandatory on a list like this
3. Milk - A deeply emotional film that tells a tragic story and avoids the cliches that are expected
2. The Wrestler - Rich character piece that hangs on the sturdy shoulders Mickey Rourke
1. Revoltuionary Road - Sam Mendes' first film disected suburban life in the 90s, here he looks into that same culture around the the time it became common in the 1950s. Dicaprio and Winslet are fantastic in their portrayal of a would-be perfect American family as they combat against the expectations of the culture they bought into.

Honorable mentions-
Funny Games, Slumdog Millionaire, Iron Man

well.. there it is

1 comment:

  1. Is it okay if I respond with my top 10?

    Im going to go the other way (1-10)...See what people think works better..

    1. Revolutionary Road - This heartwrenching film is definitely not something to pop in at a sleep-over, but with such outstanding performances and complex character development, it is definitely one of the classics for me that I must own.
    2. Doubt- Outstanding performances by Meryl Steep (of course) Amy Adams (always a pleasure) and Philip Seymour-Hoffman (my favorite performance by him)and introducing Viola Davis who blew us all away with her monologue.
    3. The Wrestler - I have never come to care about a character so much and become so involved as I did with Mickey Rourke in this film.
    4. The Dark Night- Heath Ledger you are incredible.
    5. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button- A captivating tale that takes you on a journey that you won't soon forget.
    6. High School Musical 3: Senior Year- Acting could have been a little better, but I was blown away by the sets, some things about Disney are just wonderful.
    7. Wall-E: I could have watched the whole movie without sound, I didn't care too much for the humans, but Wall-E is on of Pixar's greatest characters.
    8. Slumdog Millionaire- Definitely overrated, especially with the Oscars, but I definitely had a good laugh and a good cry.
    9. Keith- Pleasantly surprised by Jesse McCartney in this indie love story... would like my husband to watch it with me.
    10. House Bunny - Call me ridiculous but this movie for some reason had just my kind of humor... CINDERELLA!!!

    There's my list..
