Sunday, June 28, 2009

First post!

Well I sure do appreciate the Internet (do you capitalize internet?) sometimes. Less than half an hour ago I thought since I think and/or talk about movies quite a bit how it would be convenient to have a place spew all my thoughts and criticisms and share them with the 3 and a half people who care, and now this blog exists. The first big project I want to work on is compiling best films lists from years past. Towards the end of the year critic, reporters, bloggers and nerds (I guess those last two are mostly synonomous) create a list of the 10 best films that year had to offer. I have done this for a couple years but want to start with the most recent year and work back as far as I can. I'll also probably share words about new films that I see (but I probably won't do that yet since the last film I saw was Transformers and there is already plenty written that describes it so well "If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of hell, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together. Then close your eyes and use your imagination" so there's no need for me too) or movies that I get to watch with my wife that she somehow missed and then I get to watch with her for the first time. This probably isn't a very good introduction since I don't have anything clever to say (coming up with the name for the url is all I have for the night) but I might someday so check in to see how that pans out.

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